In Memory of Lawrence Michael Brown

19-20 October 2019, Ankara

Türkçe sayfa


Bahar Mathematics meeting aims to serve a series of seminars adressed to the mathematics students. Our sixth meeting is dedicated to the memory of Lawrence Michael Brown and will be held between 19-20 October 2019 at the Mathematics Department of Hacettepe University, Ankara. The event is academically oriented and the seminars will be given by mathematicians and students of mathematics. Participation is accessible for anyone via registration and students can apply to give a talk. Student applications for speaking will be evaluated by a jury upon its topic and content. A slot will be assigned for the suitable ones.



Rıza ERTÜRK (Hacettepe Uni.): Lawrence Micheal Brown' un Hayat Hikayesi
Selma ALTINOK (Hacettepe Uni.): Graflar Üzerinde Tanımı Cebirsel Yapılar
Cem TEZER (ODTU): Wielandt' ın Gamma Fonksiyonunu Belirlemesi
Burak KAYA (ODTU): Borel Kromatik Sayısı
Özgün ÜNLÜ (Bilkent Uni.): Sonlu Grupların Kürelerin Çarpımlarına Serbest Etkisi


Moderator: Doğacan Sertbaş (Koç Uni.)
Kağan Kurşungöz (Sabancı Uni.)
Ferihe Ozan Atalan (Atılım Uni.)
Haydar Göral (Dokuz Eylül Uni.)


Students' speeches will be announced after the jury elimination is completed.

"Click to see the abstracts"

Last update: 5th October 2019