In Memory of Tosun Terzioğlu

4-5 March 2017, Istanbul

Türkçe sayfa


Bahar Mathematics meeting aims to serve a series of seminars adressed to the mathematics students. Our third meeting is dedicated to the memory of Masatoshi Gündüz İkeda and will be held between 24-25 Feburary 2018 at the Mathematics Department of Galatasaray University, Istanbul. The event is academically oriented and the seminars will be given by mathematicians and students of mathematics. Participation is accessible for anyone via registration and students can apply to give a talk. Student applications for speaking will be evaluated by a jury upon its topic and content. A slot will be assigned for the suitable ones.



Aydın Aytuna: Tosun'u Anarken.. (Açılış Konuşması)
Olcay Coşkun (Boğaziçi): Functorial Representation Theory
Serap Gürer (Galatasaray): A topological proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
Ümit Işlak (Boğaziçi): Stein-Chen method and Poisson Approximation
Serge Randriambololona (Galatasaray): The Ax-Grothendieck Theorem as an Application of the Compactness Theorem in Logic
Pınar Uğurlu (Bilgi): Pseudofinite Groups


İlayda Barış (Msgsü): Logkonkav Diziler II
Umur Çetin (Bilkent): Bir Sayma Probleminin Graf Teorisi Yardımıyla Çözümü
Hasan Özgür Çıldıroğlu (Ankara): Aharonov Casher ve Berry Fazları
Oğuz Gürerk (Boğaziçi): Outliers, the Law of large Numbers, and Heavy Tails
Bahadır Karakoç (Msgsü): Minimal Number of Generators of Gorenstein Monomial Curves
Enis Kaya (Koç): On Heegner Points on Elliptic Curves
Berkay Kebeci (Koç): The Schur–Zassenhaus theorem and Hall subgroups
Eda Kırımlı (Boğaziçi): Inverse Galois Problem
Ulgen Kilic (Boğaziçi): Morse Theory on Surfaces
Onur Korkmaz (Odtü): x^3=x Özelliğini Sağlayan Halkalar Değişmelidir
Deniz Mercan (Msgsü): Banach Tarski Paradoksu
Dicle Mutlu (Msgsü): Group Configuration Theorem in Strongly Minimal Structures
Elif Özcan (Gazi): Kriptolojide Simetrik ve Asimetrik Şifreleme Yöntemi Örnekleri
Jülide Miray Özkan (Msgsü): Brief introduction for multiple transitivity and generic multiple transitivity
Büşra Sert (Msgsü): Hiper Reeller ve Ötesi
Ozan Sezgin (Muğla): Esnek Kümelerdeki De Morgan Teoremi
Oğuz Şavk (Boğaziçi): Heegard-Floer Homology for Brieskorn Sphere
Abdullah Yeşilbudak (Msgsü): Grupların Büyüme Fonksiyonları
Özlem Duygu Yılmaz (Msgsü): Logkonkav Diziler I
Baran Zadeoğlu (Bilkent): Classification of finite subgroups of SO3 via group action

Click to see the abstracts

Click to see the tentative schedule

Last update: 2 Agust 2017