In Memory of Michael Atiyah

2-3 March 2019, Istanbul

Türkçe sayfa


Bahar Mathematics meeting aims to serve a series of seminars adressed to the mathematics students. Our fifth meeting is dedicated to the memory of Michael Atiyah and will be held between 2-3 March 2019 at the Mathematics Department of Bilgi, İstanbul. The event is academically oriented and the seminars will be given by mathematicians and students of mathematics. Participation is accessible for anyone via registration and students can apply to give a talk. Student applications for speaking will be evaluated by a jury upon its topic and content. A slot will be assigned for the suitable ones.



Ferit Öztürk (Boğaziçi Uni.) : In Memory of Michael Atiyah
Nigar Özarslan Tuncer (Bilgi Üni.): Use of Topology in DNA and Proteins
Muhammed Uludağ (Galatasaray Uni.): Conumerator
Piotr Kowalski (University of Wroclaw): Model Theory of Fields
Şermin Çam Çelik (Özyeğin Üni.): Riemann Zeta Fonksiyonu
Alp Bassa (Boğaziçi Uni.): Cayley-Salmoni Teoremi


Tuğçe Ulutaş: A Brief Introduction to Coding Theory
Gökhan Ayyıldız: Serbest Gruplar ve Stallings Grafları
Harun Kır: Class number one problem
Umur Çetin: Chromatic Number of Kneser Graphs
Batuhan Fidan: Doğal Sayıların İnşası
Büşra Atar: Kategori Teorisine Giris, Temsil Edilebilir Fonktörler ve Yoneda Yardimci Teoremi
Ömer Avcı: Sekreter Problemi Üzerine
Nurgül Kangal: İç çarpım uzaylarının geometrik şekiller üzerinde uygulanması
Nihan Tanısalı: Colorings and primes
Nihal Yurdakul: Thompson F Grubu
Murat Uyar: Brouwer Sabit Nokta Teoremi
Hikmet Burak Özcan: Rational Points on Curves
Güney Işık Tombak: Müzikal Harmoniyi Anlamak: İki Temel Yaklaşım
Fikret Sarı: Fq üzerine Genel Lineer Grupların Sylow-p alt grupları
Erdem Şafak Öztürk: Bilineer formlar ve diklik kavrami
Deniz Bozkurt: Süpersimetriden çıkardığımız pentagon ilişkileri ve geometrik yorumları
Betül Gürbüz: Hilbert Series For Constructing Lagrangians
Batuhan Bayır: Physical Aspects of Lie Theor
Baran Çetin: Finite simple groups

Click to see the abstracts

Last update: 6th January 2019