In Memory of Maryam Mirzakhani

7-8 October 2017, Ankara

Türkçe sayfa


Bahar Mathematics meeting aims to serve a series of seminars adressed to the mathematics students. Our third meeting is dedicated to the memory of Masatoshi Gündüz İkeda and will be held between 24-25 Feburary 2018 at the Mathematics Department of Galatasaray University, Istanbul. The event is academically oriented and the seminars will be given by mathematicians and students of mathematics. Participation is accessible for anyone via registration and students can apply to give a talk. Student applications for speaking will be evaluated by a jury upon its topic and content. A slot will be assigned for the suitable ones.



Ali Sinan Sertöz (Bilkent): Arf Rings and Arf Closure
Matthew Gelvin (Bilkent): Fusion systems and p-local finite groups
Ali Özgür Kişisel (Odtü): Maryam Mirzakhani's contrubitions to mathematics
Sinem Çelik Onaran (Hacettepe): Knots and Open Book Decompositions: an introduction
Turgut Önder (Odtü): Küreler üzerinde kompleks yapılar
Cihan Pehlivan(Atılım) : Euclidean proof for prime numbers in certain arithmetic progressions.


Melike Yakut(Gebze):Temiz Halkalar ve Temiz Matris Halkaları
Sabri Umur Çetin(Bilkent):Subgroups of the Free Group from a Topological Approach
Jülide Miray Özkan(İstanbul Üni): Basic concepts of model theory
Sekan Doğan(Bilkent):1 resim 2 çivi
Hasan Özgür Çıldıroğlu(Ankara Üni):Topolojik fazların dolanık kuantum durumları için incelenmesi
Berkay Kebeci(Koç):Rubik's Cube Group
Oğuz Gürerk(Boğaziçi):Outlier Analysis and Similarity Measures for Multivariate Two-Sample Tests
Muhammet Furkan Merdan(Bilkent):Pell's equation and diophantine approximation
Mehmet Vural (Abant): All topologies come from a family of 0-1 valued quasimetrics
Özlem Duygu Yılmaz (Msgsü): Tam Üç Parçalı Çizgelerin 5-Döngülere Ayrışımı
Baran Zadeoğlu (Bilkent):Direct Product of integers(aka Baer-Specker group) is not free

Click to see the abstracts

Click for the schedule

Last update: 2 Agustos 2018/