In Memory of Cemal Koç

13-14 October 2018, Ankara

Türkçe sayfa


Bahar Mathematics meeting aims to serve a series of seminars adressed to the mathematics students. Our fourth meeting is dedicated to the memory of Cemal Koç and will be held between 13-14 October 2018 at the Mathematics Department of ODTU, Ankara. The event is academically oriented and the seminars will be given by mathematicians and students of mathematics. Participation is accessible for anyone via registration and students can apply to give a talk. Student applications for speaking will be evaluated by a jury upon its topic and content. A slot will be assigned for the suitable ones.



Müge Kanuni (Düzce Üni.): Cemal Koç'un Matematik Yolculuğu
Ferihe Atalan Ozan (Atılım Üni.): Yüzeyler, Eğriler ve Yüzeylerin Gönderim Sınıfı Grupları
Hurşit Önsiper (ODTÜ): Uniformization, Periods and Transcendental Numbers
Ergün Yalçın (Bilkent Üni.): Kürelerin Sonlu Grup Simetrileri
Zafer Nurlu (ODTÜ): Sequences, Function Spaces and Differential Operators
Haydar Göral (Dokuz Eylül Üni.) : Sums of Fractions


Alaittin Kırtışoğlu (Mustafa Kemal): The Congruent Number Problem
Deniz Mercan (Mimar Sinan): Nümerik Semigruplar ve Frobenius Sayısı
İlayda Barış (Boğaziçi): Zeta Distribution and Coprimality
Baran Zadeoğlu (Bilkent): The Replacement Property for Finite Groups
Bahadır Batur (ODTÜ): A Mathematical and Philosophical Approach to the Skolem's Pardox
Baran Çetin (Bilgi): Classification of Multiplicative Groups of Z/nZ
Botan Çevik (İstanbul): Matematiğin İncisi; Baire Kategori Teoremi
Gülsemin Çonoğlu (Mimar Sinan): Cayley Graphs of Free Groups
Gökçen Dilaver (Hacettepe): Theory of Generalized Splines
Şeyda Köse (ODTÜ): Homomorphic encryption
Umur Çetin (Bilkent): Fair Splitting of Necklaces by Stable Sets
Batuhan Bayır (Ankara): Lagrange Mekaniğine Kısa bir Giriş
Mehmet Kırtışoğlu (Bilkent): An Introduction to Modern Geometry
Julide Özkan (İstanbul): A Brief History of Groups
Ayşenur Taşdemir (Kırıkkale): Zorn Lemmasını Kullanarak Çözülen Sorular ve İspatları
Melek Durmuşoğlu (Akdeniz): Tilling Rectangles
Beyza Nur Yaşar (Gazi): Grigorchuk Grubu
Serkan Doğan (Bilkent): An Introduction to Vassiliev Knot Invariants

Click to see the abstracts

Last update: 2 Agust 2018